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Yearly Archives: 2011

5 Worst Diets

When it comes to get slim fast diets, take them with a grain of salt (figuratively speaking).  Generally, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!  Losing and KEEPING weight off takes commitment and planning, so anything that promises 40 lbs gone in a matter of weeks is probably feeding you a load of bologna!  The public likes quick fixes but these types of diets usually only end up with more weight gained and unhealthy eating habits formed.  Here are some of the worse offenders:

1. One food only diets.

Cabbage diets, grapefruit diets, etc are a way to lose weight quickly but does it stay off?  Your body needs a variety of foods for nutritional value and you are more apt to get bored with it and give in to your cravings if you are only consuming one type of food.  Honestly, how long can you survive by eating only one food?  That will last for a week, tops, before you want to throw that food out of the window and maybe yourself along with it.

2. Raw foods only vegetarian diet.

Upping vegetable and fruit intake is certainly important and a good thing, especially in its raw state which keeps it packed with nutrients, but cutting out good fats, proteins, and all carbs could have bad long term effects. Your body needs protein to keep the muscles working, brain functioning, and for fuel, so why on earth would you cut that out completely?


3. Miracle juice or supplement diets.

Have you heard of diets where you can eat all that you want but as long as you add whatever miracle product is being touted (grapefruit juice, apple cider vinegar, green tea, etc), you’ll lose weight in no time?  Those are all good things to add to your diet, but they certainly won’t let you eat chocolate cake all day every day and lose 40 pounds by drinking a bit of juice with it.  Some foods or drinks do speed up the metabolism, but they work best with a balanced diet.

4. The tapeworm diet.

Whoever thought of this one was one sick person!  It was super popular back in the early 1900’s, but so was heroine and cocaine as medicine so those were truly crazy times and it’s a miracle that anyone survived!  Basically, you ingest tapeworm eggs and let them eat what you eat and help you to lose weight, which could be accomplished by just starving yourself anyway as that is what you are doing!  Most people are trying to keep parasites and bugs out of their system, not put them in.

5. The junkfood diet (twinkie diet, bacon diet, the hollywood cookie diet, etc).

these diets just consider calorie count and say that as long as your caloric intake stays below a certain number, then you should lose weight.  Clearly you won’t be getting vital nutrients though and this diet is unsustainable for the long term.  Sure, you may eat 3 twinkies throughout the day and lose weight, but you are simply starving your system and are bound to become sick.

If it sounds too good to be true, think about it hard before starting a new diet!  Smart weight loss is key for weight that won’t come back and plague you indefinitely.  Get slim quick schemes are usually ways that won’t have any good long term effects and you’ll find yourself looking for the next fix shortly; instead, create a sound meal plan and workout regimen and get those pounds off the right way!


5 Best Pillows for Your Body

Pillows aren’t just those things that you rest your head on to get a good night’s sleep; they can be utilized to relax on when pregnant, comfort an aching back or neck, prop up a hurt ankle, and much more!  Deciding on the best pillows for your body’s needs can be as simple as reading on for different styles of useful pillows:

1. Lower Back Pillow

Lower back pillows between the seat and the waist can help to reduce the chance of back strain, ache, leg pain, or tension.  This handy pillow is great for when you have to sit for a long length of time, such as during a road trip or while at work if you have a desk job.

2. Neck Pillows

For those who travel often or suffer from cervical conditions, there are many types of neck pillows that will allow you to experience comfort and the correct alignment. The c-shaped pillows can be put around your neck while on a long flight and allows you to sit up while being able to go to sleep without prompting a crook in your neck or muscle aches.

3. Full Body Pillows

These full length pillows support and align your body correctly while you sleep so that there is less chance of pain and body aches in the morning.  Pregnant women especially love the comforting plushness of the pillow.  One that wraps around the body such as the above photo will allow for sustained support even if someone turns over during the night.

4. Memory Foam Pillows

Nothing feels more customized than a memory foam pillow!  It contours to your specific measurements and weight, making sleep a truly luxurious experience.

5. Donut Pillows

These pillows look like their namesake and ease the discomfort of those who suffer from tailbone injuries.  The whole in the middle helps to keep pressure on the tailbone away so that there isn’t any pain.

Your body will often times tell you its needs and you simply have to pay attention.  These various pillows will have you on the road to ache-free days and comfortable nights!

7 Tips to Successfully Starting a Diet Regimen

It is easy to say that you want to start a diet and lose some weight, but are you committed to going through the ups and downs of a diet regimen to reach your ideal weight?  Here are 7 tips to get you on your way to accomplishing your worthy goal:

1. Be realistic.

You have to start off with a feasible game plan and timeline for losing the weight.  It didn’t take mere days to gain the weight so you can’t think that you’ll drop all of the pounds within a week.  People quit their journey when they hit a plateau or don’t lose weight as quickly as they would like, so come up with a real life goal that keeps your metabolism and schedule in mind.

2. Get a support system.

Having a friend who is also trying to lose weight or joining a program such as Weight Watchers is a great way to stay motivated to lose weight because you are accountable to someone and they can give you a pep talk when needed.  Keeping an online weight loss blog works in the same way in that it holds you to your goal because others know about it and expect results with you.  When you feel overwhelmed or want to give up, their support and love can get you through the tough spots that are inherent in weight-loss.

3. Practice portion control and watch calories.

Most meals today are double the size that we should actually be consuming in one sitting!  When at a restaurant, have the server pack half before it is even brought to the table and when eating, do so slowly so that your body can process that it is eating and alert you to when you are full.  Keeping a food journal can help you to put into perspective how much food that you consume on a daily basis and alert you to any changes that you may need to make to your diet.

4. Up your water intake.

Sometimes when we feel that we are hungry it is really our body’s way of saying that it is thirsty.  Water also helps you to become full faster if consumed before a meal, so that you can put down the fork faster.  Your body needs the water anyway to function and not become dehydrated, may as well let it aid in your weight loss goals.

5. Get moving.

Dieting alone will cause some pounds to leave but you will be much more efficient if you are up and moving around with exercise often.  Park further from buildings so that you have to walk, take the stairs, have sex, get a structured workout in with dvds or the gym 3-4 times a week, weight train to burn fat quickly, dance, swim, go play with your kids, just get moving!

6. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast.

Your body needs food for fuel, so don’t try and starve it into slimness because not only is this very unhealthy, your body will start clinging to fat and keeping it on because it is afraid that you won’t eat again soon.  Breakfast jump starts your metabolism, so start the day right with fruit, whole grains, and some protein.

7. Set up a rewards system.

When you achieve a weightloss journey goal, reward yourself!  Then you have something to look forward to and want to push ahead.  Promise yourself a pedicure at the 10 lb goal, a small shopping spree when you hit a size that you haven’t been at before or in a while, makeover when you get to your goal weight, trip to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, a new trinket that will symbolize the new you such as a pretty ring or bracelet to remind you of what you’ve accomplished.

Losing weight is a life long task for many people and requires a lifestyle overhaul.  Start off with these tips and you can start to kiss the old you goodbye and welcome in a healthier version of yourself!  Good luck.



Types of Headaches & How to Minimize Them

Throbbing pain in your head has a way of slowing down your day and making it miserable.  Everyone will experience a headache at least once in their lifetime and the discomfort can range from a dull ache to being almost debilitating.  There are various reasons for a headache, different types of headaches, and also many cures to combat the effects.
Headaches are from either of two categories: primary which is caused by environmental things and not any underlying medical condition and secondary headaches which are caused by medical concerns such as sinus infections or a head injury.   The rate of blood flow to the head is a leading cause of primary headaches, something like drinking an abundance of coffee (which is known to decrease blood flow to the brain) and then suddenly stopping after days of drinking it can lead to a headache because the rush of blood causes the pounding headache.

Stress or tension (primary) headaches...

can be caused by having stress physically on the body or mentally, such as having your muscles tensed in the wrong position like angling the neck wrong while sleeping or by too much work related stress in your life.  This type of headache can be a dull steady pain that can permeate through the neck, all over the head, temples, create tension in the scalp along with knotted shoulders.  Ways to alleviate the stress headaches include getting more rest, taking an over the counter headache reliever, keeping stress levels down, and stretching properly in the shoulders and neck area.

Another type of primary headache...

would be the migraines.  These are evident when blood flow is reduced to the cerebral cortex or there is a change in the contraction and expansion of blood vessels around the brain.  The intense throbbing pain can cause a high sensitivity to light, nausea or vomiting, numbness, and flashing lights along with blind spots in the sight.  Women are the more likely sex to have migraines and they can frequent during menstruation.

Cluster headaches on the other hand...

are more likely to affect men.  These are headaches that cluster in a certain area of the head (generally around the eye area) and happen over a period of days.  Excessive alcohol consumption can trigger a bout of cluster headaches.

Aspirin, a good nap, and dimmed lights is often enough to get rid of many headaches, but there are stronger measures for those suffering chronic headaches.  Check with your physician so that a suitable recovery regimen can be formulated for your specific pain relief needs.



Best Diets for Losing Belly Fat

Winning the battle of the bulge (around the waist) is a goal for many people in the United States. We have become a sedentary, overweight nation and the quest for fat burning diets that work is a valid pursuit. Here are some top foods that you should incorporate into your daily diet as well as recipes that will help to get you slim and trim! Drink plenty of water and add in 45 minutes of exercise every other day and you will be looking in the mirror at a new figure.

1. Monounsaturated fats...

...in moderation, are great for your system! This fat is found in avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate and helps to reduce things like heart disease. Our body needs good fats to function, so this type is the one to eat within a balanced diet. You’ll find that you become full faster, have energy for your workouts, and have handy snacks around when you need a pick me up at 3pm while at work.

2. Whole grains...

...such as oatmeal and seed/grain breads will make a great breakfast that keeps hunger at bay and aids in digestion. Eating a breakfast of whole grains will help the pounds to melt off because you stay full longer, it’s nutritious, and it provides ample fuel so that your blood sugar and energy doesn’t drop part way to lunch and you end up snacking on unhealthy vending machine treats.

3. Protein shakes and smoothies...

...made with whey and protein powder are fabulous ways to drink down hunger and boost energy levels! Some think that protein shakes are only for athletes trying to pump up at the gym, but that’s simply not true. Have one as a midday snack and you will feel energized to get through the day and because many flavors can hide in a smoothie, toss in ample berries, some veggies like spinach, and oils like flaxseed oil and you will get down some of your necessary vegetable intake.

4. Egg whites...

...are a real treat and help to fight belly fat! They contain lots of protein and metabolize fat with vitamin B12. An egg-white omlet for breakfast with a small bowl of oatmeal and berries could be just the kickstart that you need for your day, acting as a better meal than a bagel and cream cheese or sugary cereals!

5. Lean protein meats and fish...

...will help your body to get trim because it takes more energy (fat burning energy) to process proteins than fat or carbohydrates. Fish like salmons and tuna, lean beef, and turkey are great ways to incorporate this into your diet.

6. Get those dairy products into your system!

Yogurts along with low fat or skim milks and cheeses can help to get your waist tight because calcium is a fat fighting super hero and can even prevent it from forming.

7. Tea...

...is rich in antioxidants and fights off illness and pounds! Brew pitchers of iced tea to enjoy throughout the day or drink a couple of cups of hot tea and you’ll find that you are burning more calories than if you weren’t drinking the tea. There have been studies that show that people who drank tea about 4 times a day burned 260+ more calories a day than people who did not.

Now for some yummy recipes that are healthy and filling, which will get you going for your goal of a svelte figure.

Italian Zucchini Bake

1 can(s) (28-oz) diced, tomatoes
2 clove(s) (minced) garlic, or .25 tsp. garlic powder
2 tablespoon(s) (chopped) parsley, or 2 tsp. dried
2 teaspoon(s) (dried) basil
1 bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
1/2 teaspoon(s) pepper
4 zucchini, about 1.25 lbs.
1/2 cup(s) (shredded) fat-free , mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup(s) (grated) Parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 350ºF. Coat a 9-inch pie pan with nonstick cooking spray.
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine first seven ingredients. Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer for 30 minutes.
Cut zucchini into ¼-inch-thick rounds and sprinkle with salt. Drain on paper towels while you heat an indoor grill or stove-top grill pan to medium-high.
Coat grill pan with nonstick cooking spray. Grill zucchini for 4 minutes, or until slightly softened, turning over halfway through.
Remove bay leaf from sauce and pour half the sauce into pie pan. Arrange half the zucchini slices on sauce. Top with ¼ cup mozzarella and 2 Tbsp. Parmesan. Repeat layers, using remaining sauce, zucchini and cheeses. Bake for 40 minutes, or until center is bubbly.

Spiced Shrimp over Rice

1 pound(s) (large ) shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 teaspoon(s) (ground) cumin
1/2 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
1/4 teaspoon(s) pepper
1 cup(s) white rice, uncooked
1 tablespoon(s) olive oil
large yellow onion, diced
1 (orange) bell pepper , diced
1/2 cup(s) (golden) raisins
14 can(s) (diced) tomatoes, in juice
juice of 1 lemon


In a medium bowl, toss together shrimp, cumin, cinnamon, salt and pepper; set aside.
Cook rice as package directs.
Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions and peppers, and sauté 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened. Add shrimp and sauté 2 minutes, or until pink. Add raisins and tomatoes to skillet; bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer about 3 to 4 minutes, or until shrimp is cooked through. Stir in lemon juice just before serving. Serve shrimp mixture over rice.

Protein Packed Breakfast Sandwich.

1 small turkey bacon
1 large egg
1 (whole-grain ) English muffin, split and toasted
1 slice(s) (fat-free) Cheddar cheese


Mist a small nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray; warm over medium-high heat. Add turkey bacon and cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until browned. Remove bacon from pan; drain on paper towels.
In hot skillet, cook egg as desired. Place egg on one half of English muffin, top with cheese slice, bacon and remaining half of muffin.

Spinach and Chicken Casserole

2 cup(s) (cooked skinless) chicken breast, 2 cups cooked skinless chicken breast (10-oz. package cooked, diced
1 package(s) (10-oz.) frozen spinach, thawed and drained
1/2 cup(s) (reduced-fat) sour cream
1/2 cup(s) (reduced-fat) mayonnaise
1/4 teaspoon(s) (garlic) powder
1/2 teaspoon(s) black pepper
3/4 cup(s) (grated) Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup(s) (shredded, reduced fat) mozzarella cheese


Preheat oven to 350ºF. Lightly coat an 8-inch square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
Combine chicken and spinach in prepared dish. In bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients.
Add about 1/4 of cheese mixture to pan with chicken and spinach; mix well and spread evenly in pan. Top with remaining cheese mixture.
Bake in center of oven, uncovered, for 40 minutes, or until top is nicely browned.

Shrimp and Spinach Pasta

6 clove(s) garlic
1 pound(s) shrimp, peeled and deveined
zest of 1 lemon
2 tablespoon(s) (chopped) flat-leaf parsley
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
4 teaspoon(s) (extra-virgin) olive oil
8 ounce(s) whole wheat pasta, such as rotini, penne or shells
6 ounce(s) (baby spinach) rinsed and patted dry
4 teaspoon(s) (grated ) Parmesan cheese, optional


Mince 4 cloves garlic. Mix garlic with shrimp, lemon zest, parsley and salt in a bowl; cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Crush remaining garlic and combine with olive oil in small microwavable bowl. Microwave on high for 1 minute.
Prepare pasta according to package directions.
Coat a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray and warm over medium-high heat. Add shrimp mixture, cooking shrimp about 3 minutes per side. Add spinach, drained pasta and oil mixture. Toss to combine; heat through. Serve immediately, topping with grated Parmesan if desired.

Meaty Pasta

1 pound(s) (90% lean) ground beef
1 pound(s) (Italian-style hot or sweet lean) turkey sausage , casings removed
2 clove(s) garlic, minced
2 teaspoon(s) (dried) oregano
1 cup(s) (diced) carrots, about 2 medium
1 medium zucchini, chopped
1 medium yellow squash, chopped
2 whole(s) portobello mushrooms, chopped
1 can(s) (diced) tomatoes
1 jar(s) (26-oz) marinara sauce
1 pound(s) linguine


Warm a large skillet coated with olive oil-flavored nonstick cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add ground beef and sausage to skillet along with garlic and oregano. Sauté until meat is no longer pink in middle, about 8 to 10 minutes, breaking it up into small pieces with a spoon.
Add carrots and sauté for 4 to 5 minutes, or until softened. Add zucchini, squash and mushrooms, and sauté for another 5 to 7 minutes, or until vegetables soften.
Add tomatoes and marinara sauce. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10 to 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package directions. Drain pasta and toss with sauce in a large bowl.

Here’s to a skinny, healthier new you! Adding proper nutrients daily can help your body fight the fat for you!

5 Real Ways to Improve Your Immune System in a Month

Your body is one tough cookie, fighting off illness, staying functional, and being an overall well honed machine. Although it works very well through its own measures even without you paying super close attention to how, it does need help sometimes in building up its defenses. Here are some ways that will boost up your immunity:

1. Enjoy yourself.

Listening to your favorite music, hanging out with friends, and laughing a lot releases the body chemicals and anti-bodies that keep your body healthy and happy. Thinking positively also has the same effect, so trying to keep a bright outlook and cheerful mood will increase your chances of staying healthy.

2. Stay well rested!

Getting a good night’s sleep does more than help you keep bleary eyes at bay, it helps your body to fight off illness and remain balanced. Your skin fares better, mind becomes more focused, and the body works at its best!

3. Get outside.

Fresh air really does a body good! Walk your dog, play touch football with friends, chase your children around the park, just get out and enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise. These activities will not only help your weight stay stable, but will hinder the onset of illnesses because your body’s defenses will be stronger.

4. Eat right.

Having a balanced diet is your body’s best bet at functioning to optimal levels. Lemons and other citrus fruits are fantastic for the immune system, so adding oranges, grapefruits, and more to your diet will give you a tart kick to the day but also build up your immunity. Proteins are also useful for a stable diet and strong immunity as they supply important fuels to the body. Herbal supplements, teas rich in antioxidants, and leafy greens also create balance.

5. Stop smoking/drinking coffee.

Coffee can lead to dehydration and smoking is known to cause a plethora of harmful effects on the body, so stopping both habits will cause a surge in immunity boosting chemicals. Smoking suppresses white blood cells and the caffeine in coffee can deplete needed minerals! Increase water intake if you must have some caffeine.

A healthy body can be fully yours if you take the steps needed daily to boost up your immunity. Treat your body right and it will last you for as long as you live!

Top 10 Fitness Blogs to Bookmark in 2011

Working out in order to maintain a well conditioned body and physical appearance is important for overall health.  Many people have taken to the internet in order to share their tips and experiences with one another via fitness blogs.  Ordinary people, fitness gurus, runners, marathon participants, swimmers, gym enthusiasts all come together on the internet and have their voices heard.  Here are some of the top fitness blogs from 2010 that you should watch for in 2011.

1. http://www.blackgirlsrun.com/ Toni, Ashley, and Stacey run this fun blog that issues fitness challenges, shows workout images, shows running fashion/gear, gives advice on good workout songs to get you moving, and shows the journey of women who want to get healthy and in shape.

2. http://rosstraining.com/blog/ Ross Enamait is the brains and brawn behind this manly fitness site.  Bulk up and make those muscles swell with his techniques and videos.  He has a background of training athletes for events and personal training, so his content rich site specializes in making videos and posts showing him training people and using the techniques that he speaks of and showing that he lives the life that he is promoting (a healthy, athletic life).

3. http://fitprosarah.com/ Fitness pro Sarah Rippel is a personal trainer with a toned, buff yet feminine body who showcases ab workouts, videos, pictures and more on her totally fitness addicted blog.  She has a true passion for getting in shape that shows through her writing and workouts, the excitement for honing out a terrific shape is all too present!

4. http://bendoeslife.tumblr.com/ Ben has lost an astonishing 120 pounds after making a promise to his grandmother to get his life and body in order.  The blog shows his love for fitness, weightloss journey, and how he’s gone on to run marathons and even complete an Ironman.  Ben Does Life and you can keep up with him!

5. http://www.livesmilerun.com/ Follow the personal journey of Syl, who has run her way from 220 pounds to 142 pounds!  Two pregnancies caused her to gain weight to what she’s always considered a “chubby” frame at 160 pounds 5’4” and one day just got tired so she took off running in the middle of winter and hasn’t looked back.  Check out her fitness tips, marathon updates, and down to earth life updates.

6. http://mizfitonline.com/ Carla Birnberg is a personal trainer and bodybuilder who has shared her fitness techniques on her popular website since 2007.  Her posts show how to get the kids and any partners involved with working out, how to maintain a great figure, and her daily regimen served up with a great sense of humor and self.

7. http://workout911.com/ This is THE fitness blog to know, with tons of tips and informative articles done in a no-nonsense approach.  Learn correct form, important nutrional information, healthy weight plans, and amazing fitness techniques from the fitness brain of Brad Schoenfeld.

8. http://www.enduranceisntonlyphysical.com/ Tricia whittled her body down from a size 24 to a 4 by becoming conscious of the proportions of her food and learning to love to run.  She showcases her running tips, marathons, along with the adorable progress that she makes with her 3 year old son and teaching him to love running.  He’s even done marathons too!

9. http://workoutmommy.com/ Being a mom doesn’t have to get in the way of having a fit, toned body and Lisa who is a mommy/personal trainer helps women to fit in fitness along with healthy eating and maintaining a balanced life through the hectic happenings of having children.  Get gadget reviews, workout tips, and healthy recipes from Lisa.

10. http://keepingupwithkatie.com/ 22 year old Katie has lost 50 pounds and maintains that loss with healthy eating and a love of exercise that she showcases on her blog.  The blog shows her races and the buildup/training that precedes each race along with yummy foods/recipes meant to nourish and fuel the body while tasting good.

Whether you are a buff already and looking to communicate with other fitness fans or a newbie that wants to lose some weight, there are fitness blogs catering to many different age ranges and fitness levels.  Hopefully these help you on your search for good fitness reading material!

Also, if you live in Chicago and fell victim to sports-related injury, check out our Chicago chiropractic services.

Best Foods for Athletes

Training your body into a well honed machine is a task that requires major attention to detail when it comes to nutrition and a fitness regimen.  There are foods that work for maintaining a lean physique, foods that fuel you for a long game or for endurance, and foods that help to pack on muscles if that is the desired outcome.  Just what are these needed foods?  Let’s look at some now!

1. Almond Butter

This food is great for endurance and awesome as a healthy substitute for peanut butter.  Eaten on toast or with bananas, it is packed full of calcium, potassium, fiber, and protein.

2. Dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt)

These have a great amount of calcium, which forms strong bones that in turn aren’t as susceptible to injury or being broken.  Don’t consume this right before an event, it’s more something to have as a part of your daily diet so that you can reap the benefits.

3. Salmon

Omega fatty acids from this fish will protect your cardiovascular health for athletic events and burns excess fat while maintaining your muscles.  As a rich source of protein, it will fuel your body just right for a race without making you sluggish!

4. Vegetables rich in iron

Having the right balance of iron within your system will pump energy throughout your body and restock the iron that is depleted from your body while exercising.  Stamina is amped up while fatigue is diminished by consuming vegetables such as chick peas, broccoli, and spinach, all of which contain great amounts of iron.

5. Bananas

Potassium speeds up recovery when working out and not having enough in your system could lead to muscle cramps but be sure not to over indulge in potassium because it can lead to a heart attack.

6. Oatmeal

By eating oatmeal before a sporting event, an athlete would get a surge of energy from the complex carbohydrates and because it is easily digestible, it wouldn’t slow down the body.

7. Quinoa

Packed full of nutrients, this is considered to be a powerful super food!  Athletes have been using it since ancient times in order to fuel the body for endurance.  The reason that it is called a super food is because it contains protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron along with all 9 essential amino acids!

For anyone trying to race, compete, or do anything at all athletic, these aforementioned foods will have you in great shape and are perfect for building up a well maintained physique.

Top 10 Health Blogs to Bookmark in 2011

Achieving optimal health is a worthy pursuit and many people document their journeys to healthy bodies on well done blogs.  Here are some of the blogs that you should check out in 2011 in order to get your health in order and find support through like minded people.

1. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ This is an incredibly resourceful site that shows recipes and marvelous articles such as how dairy can affect insulin, the importance of fitness for the elderly, workouts of the week, and just generally sage advice that will create a better you.  Daily bites from this apple will keep you in sound physical and mental shape.

2. http://ronisweigh.com/ Roni has lost 70 pounds through blogging and shares her health, fitness, and diet tips.  Now pregnant, she focuses on remaining healthy for herself and the baby and shows how you can be a healthy fit mommy as well.

3. http://www.yumyucky.com/ A hilarious food and nutrition blog that’s about “finding balance between fitness and your greedy side”.  This mother of 4 tests out health foods and rates their yum factor and price effectiveness while also giving fitness tips and up to date articles about fitness that she finds interesting.

4. http://fitness-after-40.blogspot.com/ Wanting to stay healthy doesn’t have an age limit and this 65 year old has created a great blog showing that being fit after 40 is very possible.  He talks about health issues that arise with age such as arthritis and how different diets affect your metabolism and figure when older.

5. http://www.medicinalmarzipan.com/ Body image, self esteem, and mental health are the main topics of this wonderful blog.  Learn to love yourself, how you look, and figure out that you are worthy with much to offer the world!

6. http://losingweightafter45isabitch.blogspot.com/ This blog is hard on the food industry and gets you to really look and pay attention to what you are putting into your mouth and consuming.  It sheds light on consumer product claims and shows that losing weight is hard but doable, even after age 45.

7. http://www.healthyfellow.com/ Touted as the “natural health critic”, this blogger investigates alternative health remedies, shows the benefits of certain foods and vitamins, shares wisdom about health issues, and interviews health specialists.

8. http://www.fitsugar.com/ Fashionable health gear, numerous workouts, food/drink tips and much more are seen on this site for the savvy sassy fitness lady.  It’s like hanging out with your girlfriends and dishing to each other about staying healthy.

9. http://health-and-fitness-buzz.blogspot.com/ Like your health facts served up very professionally and like they are coming at you from a doctor?  This is the site for you then!  Learn about cholestrol, cardiovascular health, treating things like snoring, and clearing acne.

10. http://www.jonbarron.org/health-blog Nutraceutical researcher Jon Barron covers how to do healthy detoxes, anti-aging tips, weight loss, digestive health, and more.

Whether young or old, male or female, there are blogs that will suit your fitness needs.  No matter if you are already fit and want camaraderie or a newbie to fitness and need a helping start, these blogs can ensure that you are at your healthiest!

5 Healthiest and Most Fund Winter Activities

It’s quite easy to become sedentary and a homebody in the winter, trying to keep warm from the icy winds and cold snow.  Staying healthy and active in this type of weather for those who don’t like the cold can be a pain, but there are so many wonderful activities that will keep you in good shape mentally and physically while utilizing the winter wonderland of snow.

1. Go on a romantic skiing trip with a lover.

The romance prompted from cuddling on the ski lifts, learning the slopes together, and curling up with hot chocolate at the lounge afterwards in front of the fireplace is sure to light some sparks that will keep you and your sweetie mighty toasty!  Bundle up and have fun learning how to ski or sharpening your skills if you already know how to and then spend the evenings warming together.  Rent a cozy cabin and make use of the hot tubs that are generally found there!

2. Have winter fun with your kids outdoors by building a snow fortress and having a snowball fight, sledding, building a snowman, or making snow angels together in the piles of lush white snow.

Running around outdoors for a bit while wearing warm clothing and protective gloves and hats will keep you and your family active and spending quality time together!  Have some apple cider or hot chocolate hot and ready to drink when the fun time is over and the whole family will remember those good time memories.

3. Ice skating!

This winter activity can be done solo, with a friend or lover, or with the whole family.  Swirling and twirling on the ice could be a fun game where you could race each other, play hockey, or learn to do tricks such as figure 8s on the ice.  You won’t even notice how many calories you are burning because of how much fun you are having!  It’s great exercise and a way to utilize the great fun of winter.

4. Get a Wii Fit or Xbox Kinect.

These video game consules are good for those extra cold days where no one wants to leave the house and lets you still have the fun of playing a video game but also burns calories like a workout.  Instead of completely vegging out in front of the television or playing a normal video game sitting down, why not participate and bowl, box, kickbox, and dance your way to a lean healthy body?  No one will even notice that they are doing a workout because they’ll be too busy trying to top each other’s high scores!

5. Stay in bed!

Catching up on beauty rest is good for the soul so why don’t you relax a bit more when you can and recuperate with a comfortable day under the covers.  Getting enough sleep wards off colds, helps your immune system, and rejuvenates the body.  If you have a romantic partner, there’s no reason that a workout activity to burn calories can’t be included in the plans!

Winter doesn’t have to mean boring days of being couped up inside and sick.  Workout by having fun in the snow, play sports outside that only can be done in the cold weather, or snuggle up inside with the heat on to stay well and mentally sound.  Have a safe winter!

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