Elmwood Park Chiropractic - Elmwood Park Acupuncture
If you live in Elmwood Park and have suffered an injury of any part of your body, you can find Elmwood Park chiropractic and acupuncture physicians at Advanced Physical Medicine to help you address your ailments.Your initial meeting with our Elmwood Park chiropractic and acupuncture specialists will last anywhere from half an hour to an hour. During this consultation, the specialist will ask you for your medical history and will then conduct a number of tests to determine the cause of your pain. Whether you have a herniated disc, a neck injury, or some other physical pain, your specialist will be able to find out the cause of your issues. We will then devise a specific strategy to address your pain and give you a solution to your problems.
The methods of treatment that will be prescribed to you range greatly depending on the cause of your pain. In addition, acupuncture may be prescribed to help you recover from pain. Today, people all over the world still rely on these strategically placed fine needles to alleviate pain throughout many areas of the body. Acupuncture is a natural, non-surgical way to ease such issues such as menstrual cramps, migraines, gastrointestinal disorders and many other bodily ailments.
Visit Advanced Physical Medicine to meet with an Elmwood Park chiropractic and acupuncture specialist to begin working towards a pain free lifestyle.