Forest Park Chiropractic - Forest Park Acupuncture
Dealing with physical pain can make your day to day activities difficult. As a resident of River Forest, Illinois, you are no doubt living an active and healthy lifestyle and want to live your life pain free. If you are experiencing such problems as muscle tightness, neck or spine injuries, herniated discs in the back or any other ailments of the muscular, nervous or skeletal system, then you need to visit Advanced Physical Medicine for quality treatment from a River Forest chiropractic and acupuncture specialist.Our talented team of medical professionals uses proven non-surgical methods to help you resume your lifestyle without pain. We help you find solutions and work towards getting back on your feet after devastating accidents, overuse injuries and other physical ailments that can occur in an active person's life.
The first step to getting rid of troubling pain is an initial consultation with one of the River Forest chiropractic and acupuncture specialists at Advanced Physical Medicine. Your medical care specialist will have years of training and is certified to treat your common ailments such as back, knee, ankle and hip pain. They also have a wealth of knowledge to address other issues like plantar fasciitis, shin splints and headaches.
At your initial meeting, your River Forest chiropractic and acupuncture specialist will record your medical history and then conduct various physical, neurological, and orthopedic examinations. Lab tests and diagnostic imaging may also be needed. Once your medical care professional is able to identify the physical issues you are dealing with, they can then devise a specific plan and individual strategy for alleviating your pain.
Contact Advanced Physical Medicine to begin working with an experienced River Forest acupuncture and chiropractic specialist who can put you on the road to a more active, pain free life.