Elmwood Park Chiropractic - Melrose Park Acupuncture
Advanced Physical Medicine Melrose Park chiropractic and acupuncture team are here to help.Living an active, healthy lifestyle can sometimes lead to overuse injuries, like tendonitis, carpal tunnel, shin splints, and can also cause injuries to the lower back and other areas of the body. You may also find yourself injured due to a car accident or some other incident, leaving you unable to perform your usual daily activities. Pain in the body can also take an emotional toll and needs to be addressed so that you can return to your usual quality of life. If you have pain anywhere in your body, a Melrose Park chiropractic and acupuncture specialist at Advanced Physical Medicine can help to treat your physical and emotional pain.
Advanced Physical Medicine uses a comprehensive treatment approach that combines a number of different non-surgical methods to help to alleviate physical pain. At your initial meeting with a Melrose Park chiropractic and acupuncture specialist at Advanced Physical Medicine, your physician will conduct a number of diagnostic tests to help to pinpoint the source of your physical pain. He or she will then devise a strategy for treatment that is individualized and specific to your pain issues. Your plan may include any of the following treatments:
Spinal manipulation or adjustment
Mobilization of joints
Closely observed exercise at a moderate pace
Various stretching
Wraps or braces
Soft tissue therapies
Exercise and healthful eating counseling
Acupuncture may also be deemed necessary depending on the source of your pain. Acupuncture has been a popular method of treatment for a wide range of ailments for thousands of years.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our Melrose Park chiropractic and acupuncture specialists to begin your new, pain free way of life.